Saturday, May 23, 2009

Subject: Photoshop Chapter 1

Imagine world with tons of colors like in the was a spectacular scene, isn't it?
Maybe u wonder how photographers can create such a wonderful, attractive masterpeice in their photos. They use a little bit of imagination, and plenty of software workout. Doing these is not an easy task..

Adobe Photoshop is a power tool that can convert a dull looking image into a beautiful artwork. U can see the example at the right corner of my page. This is my brief intro about working in a digital art and graphic design workspace.Below is my artwork published in my college last semester..

Free Image Hosting at

QuickPost Quickpost this image to Myspace, Digg, Facebook, and others!

Medium: Photoshop Cs2
Title: Iguvis Mag Ad

End of Photoshop subject Chapter 1.

Any question about graphics, please don't hesitate to mail me..

Monday, May 11, 2009

friendster multimedia tools(video player, mp3 player, photo editing & slide show, etc)

Friendster Tools

visit these cool sites and just follow the simple step-to-step wizard..

Mp3 Player -free mp3 player and add your own music playlist(for free!!)


Free ChatBox and Widget To Your Site.Scalable tagging and commenting system that lets visitors leave you messages and talk to each other. Premium version has live chat capability.

Image Hosting

try these graphic and image uploading:

friendster layout editing tips&tricks

Customize Your Friendster Layouts

Customize Your Friendster

1. Adding Multimedia Files (mp3, wma, flash, etc) at "Now Playing" section :a.First, make sure the files that you want to use, already uploaded at web hosting, such as,, etc b.Input the codes below at "Add music and video and more images to your profile" section (you can find it at "Customize My Profile Friendster"):
For non-flash files:

Notes: change url_music_files with the url location of your uploaded music files
For flash file:
(please visit)

Notes: change url_flash_files with the url location of your uploaded flash files, and change your_choosen_id with any id you want to name it
For adding music files in your friendster, you can also use a simple music player by using these steps below:,0,0,0" width="96" height="24" id="satu" align="middle">"; />"; quality="high" bgcolor="E1F1FF" width="96" height="24" name="satu" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""; />

Notes: change url_music_files with the url location of your uploaded music files
With these simple music player, you can make a list of music as much as you like. You can see the example of the player at

2. Changes your frienster layout at "Advanced users: Personalize your profile with CSS" section:a. Make sure that all of your images that you want to use has been uploaded at web hosting, such as,,, etc b. Adding background image:
body{ background-color:#000000; background-image:url( http://url_of_your_images/); background-position:left; background-attachment:fixed;}
Notes: Change url_of_your_images with the exact url location of the images that you've already uploaded
c. Make you image blur when your mouse cursor hover it (only effect when using Internet Explorer browser):
A:hover IMG { FILTER: Blur(Add = 0, Direction = 225, Strength = 10); Alpha: 100, FinishOpacity=0, Style=2, StartX=20, StartY=40, FinishX=0, FinishY=0) } A:link IMG { FILTER: none }
d. Change your cursor style:
Find or add this codes:
A:link{ cursor:pointer }
A{ CURSOR: pointer }
A:visited { CURSOR: pointer }
A:active { CURSOR: pointer }
A:hover { CURSOR: pointer }
Pointer value can be change with wait, crosshair, hand, help, auto, default, move, text, wait or *-resize (* can change with N, NE, NW, S, SE, SW, E, or W). Also you can use your own cursor (with extension .cur or .ani) only by adding this codes:
cursor : url("url_of_your_cursor")
Change url_of_your_cursor with exact url location of your mouse cursor that you've already uploaded. But remember, some cursor can only be seen when using Internet Explorer browser
e. Changes your scrollbar color:
scrollbar-arrow-color: #D0AA3C; scrollbar-base-color: #D0AA3C; scrollbar-dark-shadow-color: #D0AA3C; scrollbar-track-color: #8C0000; scrollbar-face-color: #E7D564; scrollbar-shadow-color: #D0AA3C; scrollbar-highlight-color: #D0AA3C; scrollbar-3d-light-color: #D0AA3C;
Place the above codes at body{} section Change the color as you like.
f. Also, you can customize your friendster with friendster layout generator at

3. Show Your Online Status IndicatorYou can add your online status indicator for AIM, ICQ, IRC, Jabber, MSN and Yahoo, by using online status indicator generator at Copy the codes you got and paste it at "About Me" section

4. Adding images at About Me, Describe Who You Want to Meet and Add music and video and more images to your profile sectionsWays to adding your image at some section that can be customize with HTML, such as About Me, Describe Who You Want to Meet and Add music and video and more images to your profile section, just adding this code below:

Notes: Change url_of_your_images with the exact url location of the images that you've already uploaded